The evolving story of a big-billed bird and the beauties of biodiversity |
May 09, 2018
Different toucan species: Scientific collection, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin |
Post . Toucans - Ramphastidae Brazil is a hot-spot of biodiversity: it hosts uncountable - as partly still undiscovered - plant and animal species, among them several toucan species. Toucans are very colorful birds, characterized by giant bills. According to a Brazilian narrative the toucan is the king of all animals. Due to its ongoing deforestation, toucan populations decrease in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, setting off a rapid evolutionary change of species ... |
May 08, 2018
Skin and feather texture: sorted out parasol coverings |
Post . Making of ... was the Cloth, |
October 26, 2014
Eggs of Rhamphastos ariel, the Ariel toucan, collected at Iguape, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Size of toucan eggs: 3-4 cm. Scientific collection, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN). Foto: PD Dr. Michael Ohl, MfN |
Post . Oology The eggs of different bird species are a "hotbed" of diversity, be it in shape, size or colour. One exception are cavity-nesters' eggs. As such, toucans' eggs are rather uniform, even across different species: almost round and nearly white, that is. Perfectly hidden from most predators' sight in cavity-trees, there is no need for camouflage by pits, spots, gloss or colours. And as there is also no danger of rolling down cliffs or out of the nest, there is no reason for experiments in shape.
October 25, 2014
Blog . Start Sat on and brooded over, Schnabel's Blog is hatching ... NOW. We are looking forward to your suggestions of organisms or topics for posts (including an abstract of the publication you refer to). Read more about the blog -> here. |
September 29, 2014
"Schnabel": shortly before takeoff to Heidelberg |
Exhibition . Open Landed One year after his first appearance at Frankfurt Book Fair 2013, "Schnabel" has landed, right in the middle of Springer Science+Business Media's foyer at Heidelberg, where he is on public display starting October 1, 2014. Go, visit, feed him ... and take a photo to post here. |
September 2014
Welcome post Laid We are happy to announce that the archetype of "Schnabel's Blog" has been laid - out, here. The big-billed bird himself is on the way to Heidelberg, where he is going to be on display (details to follow). Once the bird has landed, its blog begins to hatch ... |
(c) 2014-2018 WISSEN SCHAFFT WISSEN-Initiative | IMPRINT |